Unapologetically Queer: Sharing Our Stories

A Special Edition of Folklore Magazine

Cover page of Unapologetically Queer. Against a blue sparkle background, a black and white wedding photo of two women is centered below the title.

Unapologetically Queer: Sharing Our Stories is a collaboration between the Saskatchewan History & Folklore Society and Spark Your Pride – Culture, History, and Arts Organization of Saskatchewan Inc.

As a nonprofit, Spark Your Pride is dedicated to supporting 2Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and Intersex (2SLGBTQI+) adults aged 55+ by raising awareness and celebrating their lives through affirming activities that honour their experiences and contributions.

Logo for Spark Your Pride shows a rainbow wand with sparkles around the words Spark Your Pride.

The stories in this edition include moments of deep and enduring love, stories of tragedy and loss, uplifting tales of humour in the face of adversity, and accounts of resilience that reveal the profound strength within our queer community. The people we interviewed were between the ages of fifty and ninety-four. They spoke about their lives, their families of origin, their chosen families, their coming out experiences as queer and/or trans and their unique but relatable stories of ‘just living their lives.’

‘Unapologetically Queer’ will be available to read free online after March 5th.

Hard copies will be mailed to the SHFS and Spark Your Pride memberships early the week of March 3rd. Free hard copies (while supplies last) will also be available by emailing info@shfs.ca or sparkyourpride2022@gmail.com.

Read unapologetically queer Online (Link coming soon!)

Join us for a Launch Party on March 14, 2025, in Saskatoon!

Poster for the launch party reads: Unapologetically Queer Launch Party 7 Pm to 8 PM McNally Robinson 3130 8th Street East, Saskatoon, SK. For more information, email info@shfs.ca.

Launch Party

Friday, March 14th 2025
Unapologetically Queer: Sharing our Stories - A Special Edition of Folklore Magazine

7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
McNally Robinson
3130 8th Street East, Saskatoon, SK.

For more info, email info@shfs.ca or sparkyourpride2022@gmail.com

Heartfelt thanks to our funders, the Canada Periodical Fund (Business Innovation Component) and Saskatchewan Lotteries.