Folklore Magazine is ‘On the Air’!
A selection of articles taken from past issues of Folklore magazine are now being featured on CJTR Community Radio, Regina. Vincent Murphy, host of the variety music and storytelling program On the Air is On the Air, is offering a selection of ‘life and times’ stories under the theme ‘Folklore Flashbacks’. “I’ve been a long-time fan of Saskatchewan history and the stories featured in Folklore,” stated Murphy. “Presenting a selection of these first-person tales through radio and the worldwide internet will give a more diverse audience an opportunity to enjoy them.”
Vincent Murphy, On the Air Is On the Air Program Host.
Regina and district radio listeners can ‘tune in’ to On the Air is On the Air - and the Folklore Flashbacks feature - live on Thursdays at 1 pm - and the rebroadcast on Mondays at 9 am on CJTR 91.3 FM. The program can also be heard at those times live around the world online at, on Regina cable television: SasktelMax Channel 806 and AccessComm Channel 700. Archived On the Air is on the Air programs are available on a five-week cycle at
CJTR Community Radio is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization and recently marked its 20th anniversary of service to the community. Over 100 volunteer programmers currently provide a wide variety of music, spoken word and cultural shows. Information regarding membership and volunteer programming opportunities is available at or by telephone at 306.525.7274 extension 102.